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Zigong Pump & Valve Co., Limited organize special training on equipment management and maintenance

Learn - Apr. 18, 2019

Zigong Pump

Zigong Pump

On April 16th, the Safety Engineering Department of Zigong Pump & Valve Co., Limited held the first “Special Training in Equipment Management and Maintenance Knowledge” in the conference room on the second floor of the company. 40 equipment administrators, first-line team leaders and equipment maintenance personnel from 6 departments of the company participated in the study.

In order to promote the improvement of the equipment management level of all employees, and to consolidate the basic management of equipment, combined with the actual needs of the current equipment management improvement and the problems found in the daily equipment inspection, the equipment infrastructure department has targeted the content of the lectures before the training. Requires equipment management work must be engaged in post-maintenance to active maintenance, preventive maintenance to predictive maintenance, strengthen equipment daily maintenance, and strictly control equipment maintenance costs.

Good products require stable and reliable equipment manufacturing and require employees with certain skills. Strengthening equipment management knowledge training, improving operators' operation and maintenance skills, reducing equipment failure frequency, reducing equipment maintenance costs, and providing a solid equipment foundation guarantee for product quality improvement will be the company's unremitting efforts in the future.